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About Us Wycombe Phonecards are completely dedicated to your total satisfaction. If you have any suggestions or comments please email us using the link on the store page.

Our Contact details:
Wycombe Phonecards
2 Wellesbourne Gardens, Terriers, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP13 5QR, United Kingdom.
Phone: 01494 441112
Fax: None
Making A Purchase .

The following payment options are available:

1) Cash in any convertible currency by banknote only. For your own safety this should be sent by Registered and Insured mail. We cannot be responsible if your payment does not reach us. Overpayments due to 'round ups' will be compensated for with extra time. Underpayments will not be accepted and will be returned at your cost unless the shortfall is made up.

2) Cheques are accepted in Sterling (UK Banks only). Cheques payable to Mrs N. Stanikowski

3) Money Orders in Sterling are accepted.

4) UK Postal Orders are accepted. These should be made out to 'Mrs N. Stanikowski' and crossed. Postal Orders from other countries are not accepted.

5) Bank drafts in Sterling are accepted.

6) Payment may be made through Paypal to ''. Please make sure you clearly indicate what the payment is for.

7) Payment may be made through Moneybookers to ''. Please confrim by Email that you have made such a payment and what it is for.

8) Payment can be made by direct bank transfer using IBAN - GB15 BARC 2040 7110 3288 98 - SWIFTBIC - BARCGB22. Please advise by Email if you use this payment method.


When confirmation of order is received, this is to indicate that we have received your order. It does not indicate that a contract exists between us. We will indicate acceptance of your order, and hence a contract between us, when we send you an invoice. We have included this term to protect us in the case that a mistake has been made in pricing, we have inadvertently under-priced , or we are no longer able to supply advertising space for some reason. In the case of a change of price, we will always contact you first to ensure that the price is acceptable.
Delivery Schedule We process your instruction ASAP and advise when the ad becomes live. Please note once live the ad will run for 12 months and cannot be cancelled after the live date. Minor changes can be made free of charge - those involving a lot of work will be charged at £10 per hour or part hour. We reserve the right to refuse any ad copy or to take down any advertisement that fails to comply with any legal requirements.
Tax Charges At the current time no VAT is added to any order.
Credit Card Security We no longer accept direct credit card payments. If you wish to pay using a debit or credit card you may do so using Paypal or Moneybookers. With the former you have the protection offered by Paypal against fraudulent activity. Both sites are free to register with to both accept money and make payments.
Guarantee We guarantee your satisfaction.

Our charges are:

£10 per annum for up to an A4 size advertisement where the copy remains the same for the duration of the booking.
You can send your advertisement copy by snail mail or Email. Ads can be in full colour and photocopyable or you can send us your copy in HTML form. The duration of the ad runs from when it becomes live on the web site. You will be advised of this so you can check all is OK with your advertisement.

Please remember it can take several weeks for your ad to be picked up by all the various search engines and start appearing in searches - this is also dependent on how you have designed your ad using the key words necessary to get the exposure required.

If you wish to publish a multi page ad or price list the price is £10 per annum per A4 space or part space.

We can, in some circumstances, write the HTML coding for your ad according to your instructions. The cost for this would be an additional £10 per A4 space for simple coding. More advanced coding charges would be dependent on the amount of work involved and whether we are capable of doing the work required.
Reaching Us If you need to reach us, please email us using the link on the store page or directly to, alternatively, you can call on 01494 441112 - International +44 1494 441112 or write to us at Wycombe Phonecards, 2 Wellesbourne Gardens, Terriers, High Wycombe, HP13 5QR, United Kingdom.
Privacy Policy Wycombe phonecards do not disclose buyers' information to third parties other than when order details are processed as part of the order fulfilment. In this case, the third party will not disclose any of the details to any other third party.

Cookies are used on this site to keep track of f your order, to store delivery addresses if the address book is used and to store your details if you select the 'Remember Me' Option. They are also used after you have logged on as part of that process. You can turn off cookies within your browser by going to 'Tools | Internet Options | Privacy' and selecting to block cookies. If you turn off cookies, you will be unable to place orders or benefit from the other features that use cookies.
Returns Policy Your rights to return goods are protected under the EU Distance Selling Directive which can be found at
Remittance Terms We will process your instructions at the earliest opportunity and advise when an ad becomes live. At this point the booking time commences. We will advise you about a month before your booking expires so you can renew your ad if you wish to do so.